Friday 31 January 2014

follow-up to week 4

This week's lecture slides, along with the overlapping hierarchies handout, are now posted in the usual place on BB. If you'd like to take a closer look at the 1609 version of Shakespeare's Sonnet 129, which we used as the basis of our markup exercise, can check out this digital facsimile provided by the Internet Shakespeare Editions. I also provided a handout showing the 1609 version and a modern edition taken from Stephen Booth's parallel-text edition of the sonnets: If you'd like to read more about punctuation as markup, the definitive work is M.B. Parkes's book Pause and Effect: an Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West:

We also looked at a couple digital projects to see how XML markup can be put to use (a topic that we'll pick up again next week). One was the Folger Digital Texts project, which makes XML versions of the Folger Shakespeare Editions available for public use. The other example was the Women Writers Project, including some visualizations created with their XML.

Finally, I've added to this week's "recommended readings" a book chapter that I'm working on called "Encoding as Editing as Reading," which explores the rationale behind our encoding challenge assignment, and discusses the exercise we did in class this week (which is why I didn't share it before). It's still rough, unpublished work that hasn't yet had the benefit of revisions based on peer review, but it might still be useful to anyone interested in markup theory and practice.

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