Friday, 14 February 2014

follow-up and blogging question for reading week

This post will do double-duty, as I don't have too much to add by way of follow-up to our guest lecture this week by Andrew Steeves of Gaspereau Press. In the second half of class I talked about a project of mine called Visualizing Variation, including a simple prototype interface for using animation to display textual variants. Some of the images I showed in the lecture can be found on that site. I also showed a page from Teena Rochfort Smith's Four-Text Hamlet, an experiment in complex page design and typography as markup from 1883.

For reading week, I'm going to make our blogging question an open topic. Feel free to post about anything you like as long as it's somehow related to the topic of the course. You could blog about your response to Andrew's guest lecture this week -- he gave us a lot to think about in terms of publishing, reading, our relationships with books as objects, and the ecology of books and digital texts -- or you could blog about some aspect of your encoding challenge work, or test out an idea for your final project for this course, or some other topic of your own invention. Like a fresh snowfield waiting for someone to ski down it, reading week's seemingly vast expanses of time lies before us as a field of possibilities, as does the week's blogging topic. Let's all lay down some interesting tracks of our own devising.

Remember, our first class back after reading week will be held in the Fisher Rare Book Library, which may prove a surprisingly fitting place for our class's turn to the topic of e-books. I'll send out a Blackboard announcement in advance with logistical details regarding the field trip.

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